From the Chairman

David Bloomberg

For the first time in several months, it actually feels like a month between newsletters. I've had some time to think and write without deadlines looming over me. Not that I have enough time for everything I'd like to do, of course, but does anybody?

If you can answer that question, “Yes,” then you definitely need to give me a call! REALL is always looking for volunteers to help out in various aspects. We need authors, speakers, and anybody else with a little spare time. Don’t be afraid to call!

Speaking of speakers, I’d like to thank Bob “Editor Bob” Ladendorf for giving us a good summary of his trip to the first World Skeptics Conference last meeting. Oh, sure, you can read about it here, but it’s just not the same if you didn’t attend the meeting.

Well, I don’t have much more to say this month. Hopefully, I’ll see you at the next meeting, on August 6th at the Lincoln Library.

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