From the Chairman

David Bloomberg

As you can see by this issue, it’s been a busy month of repressed memory issues for me. So, to fit everything in here, I’ll keep this short.

But no matter how short this column needs to be, I have to thank Rense Lange for his intriguing talk on poltergeist delusions and related topics. From my experiences talking to UFO believers, it’s often occurred to me that their preconceived belief seems to translate into more sightings for them than your average person. Rense’s information seems to bear this out to some extent. I will definitely be interested to see the book he’s working on!

October Meeting

On October 6, I will be speaking on the topic of "Thinking Skeptically." I was asked to give a presentation on this topic to Professionals Against Confidence Crime conference this month, and I hate to use a good talk just once! I will also include additional information on what kind of response I get from PACC. You don’t want to miss this talk! (Hey, what else do you expect me to say about my own presentation?)

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