From the Chairman

David Bloomberg


In May we have our most popular meeting of the year: Elections!

Ok, actually, if anything it’s the least popular meeting every year, but I’d like to change that. While I can’t promise a fireworks display (the library won’t allow it), I can promise an interesting discussion about where we’re going and how we’re doing. I further promise we won’t draft you into an officer position if you show up (though certainly we would encourage anybody who wants to help out to volunteer).

We have a few interesting possibilities to discuss, including a possible high school essay contest, a REALL e-mail list, and more!


June is always the month when we get booted out of the library (they need the room for their annual book sale). This time, we’ll be playing Skeptic Jeopardy at an as-yet undetermined place and date.

Unlike regular Jeopardy, this will be a full-participation event. We haven’t gotten all the details ironed out yet, but don’t think you have to be Alex Trebec to play. We’ll break up in teams, have some fun, and maybe learn a thing or two along the way!

I hope to see a lot of you there, and I expect it to be an enjoyable time!

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