From the Editor

Wally Hartshorn

Greetings from your new editor! And from your old editor, in a sense. I was the editor for the first few issues, created between REALL’s founding in February 1993 and the first elections in May. (I declined to run for the position, under the deluded notion that I had other things to do. It turns out I don’t. How sad.)

Before I go any further, here’s a big "thank you" to Bob Ladendorf for spending uncountable hours working as editor for the last six (!) years. Six years?! Yeesh! Maybe skeptics aren’t that smart after all. J (How’s that for gratitude?) Thanks again for all of your work, Bob!

This issue features a new look, as if you didn’t already notice. I expect that it will go through at least a few tweaks, if not a complete overhaul, as I experiment to find the best look. Please send me some feedback (e-mail to so that I can improve it for next time. Thanks!

This issue features an article by David Bloomberg about his experiences at a recent "holistic health fair" held in Springfield. As you might expect, "holistic" includes everything but skepticism.

In addition, I’ve put together a summary of the talk I gave in March, "A Daily Dose of Skepticism." This briefly highlights some of the better skeptical web sites you can find on the Internet, including two that I maintain.

That’s all for this month. See you in July!

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